This result also made Xu Ren very excited, and at the same time made him determined to continue to attack the senior bone demon emperor.

When Xu Ren was ready to continue to attack the bone magic emperor, the little demon leopard Molin had once again attacked the front of the senior ancient magic emperor.
The senior bone demon emperor’s body has just barely stabilized, but he doesn’t panic. Because he feels that his strength is small demon leopard Molin, even if the blow is prepared and sent, it still doesn’t make him afraid.
There was another earth-shattering noise, and for a moment, the little demon leopard Molin was flying backwards.
When the small demon leopard Molin’s figure flew backwards, the senior bone demon emperor’s figure also withdrew from twenty feet away one after another.
This time, whether it is the little demon leopard Molin or the senior bone demon emperor has strengthened the offensive power, and the results are not much different before the collision between the two sides.
However, the reality is even worse for the senior bone demon emperor, because Xu Ren also rushed over when his little demon leopard Molin confronted him.
Saw Xu Ren rushed towards himself, and the bone demon emperor also dare not neglect to directly wave the bone sword toward Xu Ren to meet him.
This time, the bone demon emperor also knew that Xu Ren was powerful, so he strengthened his strength when attacking.
There was a loud noise and then Xu Ren quickly retreated out of the distance of nearly forty feet
Of course, the senior bone demon emperor is also uncomfortable. His backward distance is also more than twenty feet. Although it is closer than Xu Ren, the situation is smaller than the advantage of a collision between the two sides
Xu Ren tried to keep his figure steady, and he felt a surge of blood gas, but soon he had successfully deflated the surge of blood pressure, and his martial arts dome was shocked by a big gap, which made his strength increase a lot.
However, after the collision of the senior bone demon emperor, Xu Ren’s breath disorder also needs to be adjusted. If the senior bone demon emperor attacks at this time, it will do great harm to Xu Ren.
At this time, the little demon leopard Molin won’t watch the senior bone demon emperor fight against Xu Ren, so when the senior bone demon emperor wants to fight against Xu Ren, the little demon leopard Molin has already attacked him.
The senior bone demon emperor also thinks that Nai Xiao Yao Bao Mo Lin’s strength is not weak, so he can’t ignore Xiao Yao Bao Mo Lin.
Good senior bone magic emperor feels his own strength, so there is not much worry about it.
Of course, not worrying doesn’t mean you’re not in a hurry. The inferno is strong. He can keenly perceive that when the situation is not high for the inferno, there are many places that are very unfavorable for the inferno.
Real this senior bone demon emperor never thought that inferno would play so passively after entering North Xuanzhou, which also made him an eye-opener.
After the actual inferno entered North Xuanzhou, China, it was not without human monks’ confrontation. After they entered North Xuanzhou, they also directly destroyed two disobedient clans in West Hezhou. However, they destroyed those two clans in West Hezhou without the strength shown by the monks in North Xuanzhou. It can be said that those monks in North Xuanzhou had no strength to fight back near the roots.
It is also because of the North Xuanzhou Godsworn’s strength that the situation has become more subtle now.
The inferno advocates the law of the jungle more than the demon race, which is doomed to be better at fighting with the wind and occupying the absolute advantage. The inferno is very powerful, but once the situation is reversed and the inferno law sees the obvious advantage, the situation will be bad, and it is likely to become a mess and can no longer gather strong combat effectiveness.
The senior bone demon emperor of the inferno certainly knows the characteristics of the inferno, which is why he is in a hurry. He must not let the inferno feel that he is in a bad situation, otherwise, he will not say that he is afraid that the inferno can fight himself.
Xiao Yao Bao Mo Lin, the senior bone demon emperor, once again confronted each other. This time, the confrontation between the two sides was even louder, because both sides had a certain understanding of each other’s strength, so it was natural for both sides to exert their efforts again.
The strength of the senior bone demon emperor is still higher than that of the small demon leopard Molin, so this time, the small demon leopard Molin was shaken out and the distance was much farther than that of the senior bone demon emperor.
However, after these two encounters, the strength of the little demon leopard Molin has also increased, which naturally makes the senior bone demon emperor feel a headache.
After the attack of Xiao Yaobao Molin was completed, Xu Ren directly launched an attack on the senior bone demon emperor as if he had agreed.
There was a loud noise again. This time, the movement was bigger than the previous collision, and with this collision, many human monks and demon families with weaker strength stepped back and went out.
Xu Renhe, the senior bone demon emperor, is naturally more impacted. Xu Ren’s figure is still flying backwards for nearly forty feet. The backward distance from the bone demon emperor is a few feet farther than a Xu Ren confrontation. He feels that the speed of Xu Ren’s power rise is even more terrible than that of the little demon leopard Molin. If he keeps letting the other side rise like this, it will be an unknown whether he can kill the other party today or not.
It’s a pity that this senior bone demon emperor didn’t think much, because after Xu Ren’s attack, the little demon leopard Molin’s attack came again.
Senior Bone Magic Emperor feels very wronged, but he can’t think of a more effective way to deal with Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin, and he can also choose Molin to fight.
Of course, this time, the bone demon emperor didn’t directly fight for the strength of the little demon leopard Molin. At this moment, he also had doubts in his heart. He was worried that Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin would use his confrontation to enhance their own strength and use him as a whetstone to sharpen their own abilities.
Senior Bone Magic Emperor didn’t want Xu Ren and Xiao Yaobao Molin’s plan to succeed, so he didn’t have a head-on confrontation with Xiao Yaobao Molin this time, but he planned to fight for speed with his posture.
Little demon leopard Molin didn’t expect the senior bone demon emperor to choose his spelling speed, but it was just what he wanted. He came to spell speed because he was good at it. He was never afraid of anyone in the same level, even Xu Ren, who could talk to him about the speed of others, whether it was a human monk, a demon monk or an inferno. He was not afraid of it unless he was too much faster than him.
At present, this senior bone magic emperor is not too much higher than him. At least Mo Lin didn’t think that the senior bone magic emperor’s strength was much higher than him, so he was not afraid of the speed confrontation with Xiao Yaobao Mo Lin.
Swish swish swish-
But the blink of an eye little demon leopard Molin has dealt with the senior bone magic emperor for dozens of exchanges.
This senior bone demon emperor is even more surprised by his speed. All senior demon emperors can reach the middle reaches, but even so, the little demon leopard Molin still has no advantage when fighting for speed. Now he has some doubts about whether the magic domain flow in China is true or not.
Now think about the former inferno North Xuanzhou. It seems that it is not those guys who can be monks in North Xuanzhou. They do have good strength.
There is no advantage in speed. The senior bone demon emperor can once again compete for the strength of the little demon leopard Molin, and finally with a higher strength, the little demon leopard Molin will fly backwards.
Xu Ren has been killed again when Xiao Yaobao Molin, the senior bone demon emperor, shakes out.