What kind of poison is it?

Can make people stay young forever?
Can such a good thing be called poison?
"The youngest son, what poison is in your ya? Can you tell Zun Hui Zun to sell a little to those popular actresses?" Bai Mo asked with a smile.
Bai Mo’s tone is very funny, but Zhou Xiaolong’s expression is not easy at this time. It seems that it is not a good thing that Jiushu is very painful to live forever.
"How nine uncle do you have any room? !” Zhou Xiaolong asked very carefully
"Oh, it’s a long story. Look at this first!"
Said the ninth uncle will slowly understand the neck shirt Bai Mo and Zhou Xiaolong and looked at each other. Isn’t this ninth uncle’s way to stay young gay? !
Uncle Hao solved two buttons and didn’t continue to solve them.
Then Uncle Jiu turned his face and exposed his neck. Zhou Xiaolong and Bai Mo saw that there were two round wounds there, just like being scalded by cigarette butts and leaving scars.
Seeing this, Bai Mo and Zhou Xiaolong knew in their hearts that Uncle Jiu had become like this and should have been bitten by something. Although the wound has healed, it can be seen that the wound should be deep now.
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the carriage was somewhat depressed. Bai Mo was so embarrassed to joke about it.
Uncle Jiu slowly buckled his mouth again and said, "It was many years since then, and I forgot how many years it seemed that I had solved the case of cheating on the body and bones, and I took over a new case not long after."
Uncle Jiu recalled in a heavy tone that it was still the early years of the Republic of China when Uncle Jiu’s patrol room was the head of the police. One day, the police patrolling the street said that a big ship came from the sea, and it was from South America. A foreign smuggling ship seemed very good.
After receiving the order, Uncle Jiu took a pair of patrolmen to search the big ship and found a lot of contraband.
Most of those contraband are opium, and it is taboo to transport them to any country. Uncle Jiu detained those contraband at that time.
When preparing to transport the goods away and destroy them, one of the foreign crew members came out, and the first mate spoke some Mandarin. He quietly told Uncle Jiu that the captain wanted to see him.
When talking, the first mate’s expression was very strange. He quietly took out a box of gold bars and gave it to Uncle Jiu.
Uncle Jiu believed that he had something to do, and he was not afraid of anything, so he boarded the big ship and wanted to meet the captain of the smuggling ship.
However, after pushing the small door of the captain’s cabin, Uncle Jiu didn’t see anyone inside. He went in consciously, but he found that the evil wind was not good behind him without walking a few steps.
Uncle Jiu was attacked by someone hiding behind him. He was not particularly afraid of martial arts, and he kicked behind without turning his head sideways. This trick is commonly known as black dog peeing.
Although the name of this move is ugly, most people can’t escape it, let alone foreigners who can’t fight martial arts.
However, Uncle Jiu’s feet soared.
At that time, Uncle Jiu thought that he had met a master today. !
Nine uncle hesitated, and at the same time, a shadow floated across from him, and the speed was like a ghost.
Uncle Jiu turned around again and saw a very pale and thin foreign man holding out a pair of dry hands with long nails to grab Uncle Jiu’s shoulder, which was not much faster.
Uncle Jiu just kicked his body, and some of his feet were unstable. Obviously, he couldn’t come if he wanted to jump to avoid it.
So Uncle Jiu was hugged by the pale-faced foreigner, and then the foreigner actually opened his mouth and bit Uncle Jiu’s neck.
That’s when uncle JIU left that wound on his neck.
After being bitten by a foreign captain, Uncle Jiu was completely unconscious. When he woke up, he found himself floating on the water, which was still salty.
Uncle Jiu groped and touched a board. He lay on the board and slowly remembered what had happened. Soon he remembered everything.
It seems that the foreign captain threw Uncle Jiu into the sea after attacking him, but Uncle Jiu doesn’t know how far the sea is from the shore.
Now that Uncle Jiu is alive, he must hurry to the shore. Fortunately, the water waves have pushed Uncle Jiu, who is in a coma, to a place not far from the shore.
Just then Uncle Jiu found that his body seemed to have changed. He didn’t seem to need his mouth and nose to breathe and he didn’t suffocate.
What makes you say that?
Because once Uncle Jiu accidentally fell into the water from the board, he struggled hard, and even if he held his breath, he could not feel the feeling of holding his breath.
It seems that Uncle Jiu’s lungs don’t need to breathe oxygen to grow.
So Uncle Jiu finally saw a small fishing boat after drifting in the sea for a day, and then he followed the fishermen to the shore.
Then after many twists and turns, Uncle Jiu returned to his home in Beijing.
Chapter 271 Bite the neck by vampires
When Uncle Jiu came back to his home in Beijing and looked in the mirror, he was immediately surprised to find that his face seemed as white as that of the foreigner.
The whole face is gray and the skin seems to have become particularly thin, and you can see the deep purple blood vessels beating.
At first, Uncle Jiu thought that he was too sick when he was in the sea, so he went to the hospital to see a doctor.
As soon as the doctor examined him, he said that Uncle Jiu was really sick, a blood disease, and it seemed to be a very anemia symptom.
The doctor gave Jiushu some medicine and went home to eat it for a while, but it didn’t get better at all.
But what is even more frightening is that Uncle Jiu doesn’t like drinking or eating meat very much. He likes to smell blood very much.
Uncle Hao is an official in the yamen’s mouth. He often approaches prisoners. On several occasions, Uncle Jiu can’t bear to kill several dead prisoners and drink their blood.
After drinking human blood, Uncle Jiu can relax for many days.
Of course, at that time, the prison management was not very strict, and the dead prisoners died when they died, but after all, there were not many dead prisoners, but Uncle Jiu’s appetite was getting bigger and bigger, which became more and more difficult to control.
Until one day, Uncle Jiu couldn’t help it, and most of fun run came out to attack a common people who walked at night.
Just when Uncle Jiu was about to succeed, suddenly a few men in black appeared on the roof. Those people were all experts, and several chains were thrown out and iron hooks were used to control Uncle Jiu.
Then Uncle Jiu was knocked unconscious by something, and when he woke up, he found himself trapped in a familiar cell.
Uncle Jiu knows this place very well. This is his territory.